Last time file accessed/used/executed, but not modified
(too old to reply)
David Smith
2005-08-24 15:06:23 UTC
Is there any utility that will tell me the last time a file was accessed
or used/executed (not necessarily modified)
Joe Beanfish
2005-08-24 16:20:45 UTC
Post by David Smith
Is there any utility that will tell me the last time a file was accessed
or used/executed (not necessarily modified)
ls with -u option
Apostolos P. Tsompanopoulos
2005-08-24 16:50:45 UTC
Post by David Smith
Is there any utility that will tell me the last time a file was accessed
or used/executed (not necessarily modified)
stat filename

Replace earth.space with gmail.com for a valid e-mail
Dances With Crows
2005-08-24 16:51:37 UTC
["Followup-To:" header set to comp.os.linux.misc.]
On Wed, 24 Aug 2005 08:06:23 -0700, David Smith staggered into the Black
Post by David Smith
Is there any utility that will tell me the last time a file was accessed
/bin/stat -c '%x' filename

Also try %X. Note that this information will be useless if your
filesystem was mounted with noatime. atime info is usually not very
useful, so lots of people mount their filesystems with noatime for a
slight performance improvement.
Post by David Smith
or used/executed (not necessarily modified)
? Only 3 times are stored, atime, ctime, and mtime. atime is the last
access time. ctime is the last time the file had a status change, like
if it was chmodded or chattred. mtime is the last time the file was
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