Please Recommend Good Linux Books Talking as much and thoroughly as possible
(too old to reply)
Iván Filpo
2004-10-15 01:34:13 UTC

I have been using Linux for quite a while and I am trying to learn as much
as possible by reading books.

I would like to read complete books not just covering one linux distro but
common things in all of them that probably were carried over from unix. By
this I mean not mainly unix but materials that will make be capable of
dealing with almost any distro.

I would like the books to include one of the following:

1- Linux & Unix Commands(Specially those that are very useful).
2- Linux Networking & Firewall(Iptables).
3- Backing up.
4- Setup Important applications(Samba,Apache,Postfix or any MTA,etc).
5- Scripting(Awk, Sed, Perl).
6- Kernel Compiling & Hacking.
7- Linux Security.
8- NFS
9- NIS
10-SNMP & Network Centralized Managment.
11- Anything I missed that helps for the Certification and would prepare
m to help other persons in these groups.

I have Running Linux 3rd edition, Linux in a nutshell. I would like to
hear about the best of the best.

Thanks for your time,

Iván C. Filpo
Dr Balwinder Singh Dheeman
2004-10-15 13:28:12 UTC
Post by Iván Filpo
I have been using Linux for quite a while and I am trying to learn as much
as possible by reading books.
I would like to read complete books not just covering one linux distro but
common things in all of them that probably were carried over from unix. By
this I mean not mainly unix but materials that will make be capable of
dealing with almost any distro.
Andrew Anderson et el - /Linux Network Administrators' Guide/, This and
a second edition of this book cover all essential topics related to
setup, selection, installation and administration of LAN/WAN's, a must
for UNIX/Linux network and even system administrators.

B. Scott Burkett, Sven Goldt, John D. Harper, Sven van der Meer, and
Matt Welsh - /Linux Programmers Guide/, This book covers topics of
interest to people who wish to develop application software for Linux.

David A. Rusling - /The Linux Kernel/, This book provides an
introduction to the Linux Kernel, how it is constructed, and how it
works. Take a tour of your kernel. The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide

Ori Pomerantz - /The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide/, This guide
explains how to write Linux kernel modules.

Lamb, Linda and Arnold Robbins - /Learning the vi Editor/, O'Reilly &
Associates, 1998, ISBN 1-56592-426-6, an excellent book on learning all
the capabilities and methods for using the vi text editor.

Newham, Cameron, and Rosenblatt - /Learning the Bash Shell/, O'Reilly &
Associates, 1998, ISBN 1-56592-347-2, privides you skills to learn
editing the command line and for writing bash script including operating
and programming in a bash environment.

Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike - /The Unix Programming Environment/,
Prentice Hall, 1984, ISBN 0-13-937681-X (paperback),

Frisch, AeLeen - /Essential System Administration/, O'Reilly &
Associates, 1995, ISBN 1-56592-127-5, this book privides many of the
basics required for using UNIX or UNIX like operating systems, commands,
file systems and so forth.

Andrew S Tanenbaum - /Operating Systems: Design and Implementation, 2e/,
Prentice Hall, 1997, ISBN 0-13-638677-6, This book offers a unique and
carefully integrated combination of principles and practice. While the
usual principles are covered in detail, the book also describes a small,
but real UNIX-like operating system: MINIX. It shows how it works and
illustrates the principles behind it. By using MINIX, students learn
principles and then can apply them in hands-on system design projects.

Andrew S Tanenbaum - /Modern Operating Systems, 2e/, Prentice Hall,
2001, ISBN 0-13-031358-0, This widely anticipated revision of a
worldwide best seller incorporates the latest developments in operating
systems technologies and contains complete chapters on computer
security, multimedia operating systems, Windows 2000, and operating
system design.
Dr Balwinder Singh Dheeman Registered Linux User: #229709
CLLO (Chief Linux Learning Officer) Machines: #168573, 170593, 259192
Anu's ***@HOME Distros: Knoppix, Fedora, FreeBSD
More: http://anu.homelinux.net/~bsd/ Visit: http://counter.li.org/
Rod Smith
2004-10-19 17:13:34 UTC
Post by Iván Filpo
I have been using Linux for quite a while and I am trying to learn as much
as possible by reading books.
I would like to read complete books not just covering one linux distro but
common things in all of them that probably were carried over from unix. By
this I mean not mainly unix but materials that will make be capable of
dealing with almost any distro.
1- Linux & Unix Commands(Specially those that are very useful).
2- Linux Networking & Firewall(Iptables).
3- Backing up.
4- Setup Important applications(Samba,Apache,Postfix or any MTA,etc).
5- Scripting(Awk, Sed, Perl).
6- Kernel Compiling & Hacking.
7- Linux Security.
8- NFS
9- NIS
10-SNMP & Network Centralized Managment.
11- Anything I missed that helps for the Certification and would prepare
m to help other persons in these groups.
First, you refer to "the Certification," but you don't say what
certification exam(s) you intend to take. Most have books available for
them, so you might consider starting there.

Second, no one book will cover all of these topics in detail. To take
general Linux subjects a bit beyond the basics, my own _Linux Power Tools_
may be a good start, but beyond that, you're into topic-specific books
(kernel books, security books, Samba books, Apache books, etc.). I've got
a few recommendations (including some by me) at:


I don't have specific recommendations for many of the specific topics you
mention, though. I also haven't kept these lists as up to date as
possible, so they omit most title published in the last couple of years.
Still, it might help you a bit.
Rod Smith, ***@rodsbooks.com
Author of books on Linux, FreeBSD, and networking
Dr Balwinder Singh Dheeman
2004-10-19 18:12:49 UTC
Post by Rod Smith
First, you refer to "the Certification," but you don't say what
certification exam(s) you intend to take. Most have books available for
them, so you might consider starting there.
Second, no one book will cover all of these topics in detail. To take
The OP also posted this question to comp.os.linux.misc and someone
already recommeded: http://www.icon.co.za/~psheer/book/ to OP and to one
more such query.

This book is a must-read it is very thorough, probably one of the most.
Is basically in all the libraries and the book comes with the electronic
version of it as well on cd.

This the the RUTE document, version 1.0. RUTE is Rute Users Tutorial
and Exposition, a recursive acronmym. It is certainly one of the best
tutorials out there.

But it is also a curriculum, and as such, is even more powerful. Use it
as a course of study, and your knowledge of Linux will be enough to
allow you to recognize and make use of the really advanced material out
there. That's the stuff that (some of) the contributing experts have

Highly recommended!

/All above are, but excerputs from other posters/.

*Rute*: One Linux book for all purposes!

No need to get confused over other books. Should I say anything more?
Post by Rod Smith
general Linux subjects a bit beyond the basics, my own _Linux Power Tools_
may be a good start, but beyond that, you're into topic-specific books
(kernel books, security books, Samba books, Apache books, etc.). I've got
I don't have specific recommendations for many of the specific topics you
mention, though. I also haven't kept these lists as up to date as
possible, so they omit most title published in the last couple of years.
Still, it might help you a bit.
Dr Balwinder Singh Dheeman Registered Linux User: #229709
CLLO (Chief Linux Learning Officer) Machines: #168573, 170593, 259192
Anu's ***@HOME Distros: Knoppix, Fedora, FreeBSD
More: http://anu.homelinux.net/~bsd/ Visit: http://counter.li.org/
2005-01-14 10:36:51 UTC
Post by Iván Filpo
I have been using Linux for quite a while and I am trying to learn as much
as possible by reading books.
I would like to read complete books not just covering one linux distro but
common things in all of them that probably were carried over from unix. By
this I mean not mainly unix but materials that will make be capable of
dealing with almost any distro.
1- Linux & Unix Commands(Specially those that are very useful).
2- Linux Networking & Firewall(Iptables).
3- Backing up.
4- Setup Important applications(Samba,Apache,Postfix or any MTA,etc).
5- Scripting(Awk, Sed, Perl).
6- Kernel Compiling & Hacking.
7- Linux Security.
8- NFS
9- NIS
10-SNMP & Network Centralized Managment.
11- Anything I missed that helps for the Certification and would prepare
m to help other persons in these groups.
I have Running Linux 3rd edition, Linux in a nutshell. I would like to
hear about the best of the best.
Thanks for your time,
Iván C. Filpo
Reviewing earlier replies seems like you will be snuggled up this winter
reading. For some this is their way. For me it was not. I found using
Slackware forced me to remember where things were and how things were
done. When I got a job running computers I learned more and when I
taught I learned even more. Whatever administration book turns your
crank will be your best first book. Then try to keep everything you do
general. A bit hard to do with a BSD oriented platform but they do a
darn good job of it in trying to be SVR4 as well. Then, I suggest
buying 1 or 2 used machines and begin networking them. Fiddle the
boards to make each box efficient as to access and convertibility. Make
your primary machine the router and as you acquire new hw migrate the
old stuff down to the other machines.
IPTABLEs is not for the beginner. LEARN the commands FIRST. PRACTICE
USING SCRIPTING, use sed, awk, bash and TclTK. After 2 years u'll be
ready for the big show. No kidding on the scripting -- he who scripts
rules!! he who scripts best is the most valuable tool in the shed!!

I think if you learn in the following order you will find things build
on each other:
backups (built from your own scripts using CDs)
kernel building
networking (NSF NIS SNMP)

Notice I did not mention perl. It is (at least to me) a vile language
because it is not very self documenting (scripting can be if you don't
try to be cryptic). It is used (IMHO) because managers have heard it is
multiplatform and fast. Believe me I have astounded many managers.
Learn it if you like but I suggest you have a plate full before you get

Suggestion!!! Get to a university or community college and take their
courses. Skip the certifications they are useful to get in the door
for job apps but unless you are already financially endowed you will be
coughing up another grand every year to stay certified. Also my
experience with certification courses is that they teach to the test not
for knowledge. Again believe me, I've taught there.

One thing too that you might try. Join a computer user group where you
live. You may become the GURU quickly. I never did that but it seems
to me a mistake I made.

Michael J. Pelletier
2005-01-14 17:37:36 UTC
Check out misc.books.technical
Post by Razzel
Post by Iván Filpo
I have been using Linux for quite a while and I am trying to learn as much
as possible by reading books.
I would like to read complete books not just covering one linux distro but
common things in all of them that probably were carried over from unix. By
this I mean not mainly unix but materials that will make be capable of
dealing with almost any distro.
1- Linux & Unix Commands(Specially those that are very useful).
2- Linux Networking & Firewall(Iptables).
3- Backing up.
4- Setup Important applications(Samba,Apache,Postfix or any MTA,etc).
5- Scripting(Awk, Sed, Perl).
6- Kernel Compiling & Hacking.
7- Linux Security.
8- NFS
9- NIS
10-SNMP & Network Centralized Managment.
11- Anything I missed that helps for the Certification and would prepare
m to help other persons in these groups.
I have Running Linux 3rd edition, Linux in a nutshell. I would like to
hear about the best of the best.
Thanks for your time,
Iván C. Filpo
Reviewing earlier replies seems like you will be snuggled up this winter
reading. For some this is their way. For me it was not. I found using
Slackware forced me to remember where things were and how things were
done. When I got a job running computers I learned more and when I
taught I learned even more. Whatever administration book turns your
crank will be your best first book. Then try to keep everything you do
general. A bit hard to do with a BSD oriented platform but they do a
darn good job of it in trying to be SVR4 as well. Then, I suggest
buying 1 or 2 used machines and begin networking them. Fiddle the
boards to make each box efficient as to access and convertibility. Make
your primary machine the router and as you acquire new hw migrate the
old stuff down to the other machines.
IPTABLEs is not for the beginner. LEARN the commands FIRST. PRACTICE
USING SCRIPTING, use sed, awk, bash and TclTK. After 2 years u'll be
ready for the big show. No kidding on the scripting -- he who scripts
rules!! he who scripts best is the most valuable tool in the shed!!
I think if you learn in the following order you will find things build
backups (built from your own scripts using CDs)
kernel building
networking (NSF NIS SNMP)
Notice I did not mention perl. It is (at least to me) a vile language
because it is not very self documenting (scripting can be if you don't
try to be cryptic). It is used (IMHO) because managers have heard it is
multiplatform and fast. Believe me I have astounded many managers.
Learn it if you like but I suggest you have a plate full before you get
Suggestion!!! Get to a university or community college and take their
courses. Skip the certifications they are useful to get in the door
for job apps but unless you are already financially endowed you will be
coughing up another grand every year to stay certified. Also my
experience with certification courses is that they teach to the test not
for knowledge. Again believe me, I've taught there.
One thing too that you might try. Join a computer user group where you
live. You may become the GURU quickly. I never did that but it seems
to me a mistake I made.