Best Linux book for newbie?
(too old to reply)
2006-10-13 14:41:25 UTC
I am a complete newbie to Linux although I have a lot of computer
experience (Windows and OS X). I haven't decided for sure which Linux
distribution to go with but I will be using it with Parallels likely
on a Mac and I am considering SUSE. When I buy a book should I get
something distribution specific or just a general Linux book? Any
suggestions of which book to get?
Bit Twister
2006-10-13 14:52:12 UTC
Post by MarkW
I am a complete newbie to Linux although I have a lot of computer
experience (Windows and OS X). I haven't decided for sure which Linux
distribution to go with but I will be using it with Parallels likely
on a Mac and I am considering SUSE. When I buy a book should I get
something distribution specific or just a general Linux book? Any
suggestions of which book to get?
It depends on what you want to learn. The range is from linux
internals up through whatever desktop you want to use.

To get book suggestions, try best book with the following tip.

--------- standard search tip follows ---------------------

Please bookmark the following, very large,
Frequently Asked Questions (faq) Search engine:

key word(s) in the first box
*linux* in Newsgroup box. You need to use the two
asterisks around linux, pick English

If you want/need more control over the first box search,

--------- end standard search tip text ---------------------


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To crosspost, just add a comma and the other newsgroup(s).

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