What Linux OS should I use on a Thinkpad R31, model 2656 E4U?
(too old to reply)
H.E. Taylor
2010-01-11 23:06:45 UTC
A friend is having trouble installing Ubuntu
on an older IBM ThinkPad. She asks me:
"What Linux OS should I use on a Thinkpad R31,
model 2656 E4U?"
and I don't have a clue. Do you? or can you point
me toward the answer(s)?

Support the Troops -- Bring Them Home!
"Not only is God dead, but just try to find a plumber on weekends."
-Woody Allen

How's yer crap detector? <http://www.autobahn.mb.ca/~het/detector.html>
H.E. Taylor <http://www.autobahn.mb.ca/~het/>
H.E. Taylor
2010-01-18 22:02:55 UTC
Post by H.E. Taylor
A friend is having trouble installing Ubuntu
"What Linux OS should I use on a Thinkpad R31,
model 2656 E4U?"
and I don't have a clue. Do you? or can you point
me toward the answer(s)?
In case anyone should happen to look here for the answer
to the question.
Ubuntu 8.04 works fine [Ubuntu 8.10 does not].

Support the Troops -- Bring Them Home!
"Once he became president, by virtue of his actions, just like every
US president before him, just like those who ran other great powers,
Obama became a murderer and a terrorist, because the US has a machine
that spans the globe, that has the capacity to kill, and Obama has
kept it set on kill. He could have flipped the switch and turned it
off. The President has that power, but he chose not to do so." -Allan Nairn

Terror War: <http://www.autobahn.mb.ca/~het/terror_war/twartn.html>
H.E. Taylor <http://www.autobahn.mb.ca/~het/>