iomega zip100 issue
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rich coco
2005-03-25 17:27:36 UTC
I have a parallel-port iomega zip100 drive that i cannot get to work
under fedora core-3. it worked fine under RH-9.

yes, I have the ppa and parport modules loaded.

HOWEVER, i notice that /dev/sd* does not exist at all!

All the help i could find involved mounting the drive to /dev/sda4.
I have no such /dev files on my fedora-Core-3 installation.
Is this an indication of a deeper problem?
(I tried using /dev/parport[0-3] instead, to no avail.)

FWIW - on a fedora-core-3 system at home, i have a USB zip100 drive
working fine. It did so "out of the box" and is properly mounted at
system boot time.
rich coco
2005-03-25 20:08:43 UTC
Hmmm...problem solved, tho i do no t know why exactly.

altho 'lsmod' showed ppa, parport, scsi_mod and sd_mod, i ran insmod on
them again. i also ran insmod on something called imm. (i saw this in a
posting somewhere. 'insmod imm' came back with a 'not found' error).

anyway, the end result of doing this was that /dev/sda and /dev/sda4
were created!!! i then ram iomegaware's 'iw' program and *bingo*
the zip100 drive got connected.

go figure...not sure why this did not happen at boot time
(auto-detect of the parallel port device and loading of the
proper modules...as with my USB zip100 drive).

so...i am gathering up what i did and stuffing it in rc.local!

- rich
Post by rich coco
I have a parallel-port iomega zip100 drive that i cannot get to work
under fedora core-3. it worked fine under RH-9.
yes, I have the ppa and parport modules loaded.
HOWEVER, i notice that /dev/sd* does not exist at all!
All the help i could find involved mounting the drive to /dev/sda4.
I have no such /dev files on my fedora-Core-3 installation.
Is this an indication of a deeper problem?
(I tried using /dev/parport[0-3] instead, to no avail.)
FWIW - on a fedora-core-3 system at home, i have a USB zip100 drive
working fine. It did so "out of the box" and is properly mounted at
system boot time.
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