Yong Shin Yuh
2005-12-03 17:43:37 UTC
Hi Guys,
I am tasked to implement the mentioned(in subject) on 5 64bit RHEL4 DL
Proliant 385 systems. Being new to linux and the storage, I need detailed
advice on how I can do the implmentation for the above. The requirement is
to have 5 load balanced boxes connected to EVA8000 which have a 5TB of
storage space for Oracle data files, sql spool files from scheduled jobs,
archival logs, etc.
I have a few questions to the implementation/solution:
1. How can I load balanced the 5 servers? Can Servicegurad do the job?
2. What LVM and FS type should I use for the LUN created in the EVA8000 for
the 10g Oracle RAC? (I need to store both ORADATA files & normal spool
3. OCFS V2 does really supports normal file types?
4. Any procedures or guideline for such implementation?
5. What are the things to look out for/ needed to be done to configure the
10g RAC on linux Redhat 4 Update 2
Really Appreciate any help or advise urgently.
Best Rgds
Shin Yuh, Yong
I am tasked to implement the mentioned(in subject) on 5 64bit RHEL4 DL
Proliant 385 systems. Being new to linux and the storage, I need detailed
advice on how I can do the implmentation for the above. The requirement is
to have 5 load balanced boxes connected to EVA8000 which have a 5TB of
storage space for Oracle data files, sql spool files from scheduled jobs,
archival logs, etc.
I have a few questions to the implementation/solution:
1. How can I load balanced the 5 servers? Can Servicegurad do the job?
2. What LVM and FS type should I use for the LUN created in the EVA8000 for
the 10g Oracle RAC? (I need to store both ORADATA files & normal spool
3. OCFS V2 does really supports normal file types?
4. Any procedures or guideline for such implementation?
5. What are the things to look out for/ needed to be done to configure the
10g RAC on linux Redhat 4 Update 2
Really Appreciate any help or advise urgently.
Best Rgds
Shin Yuh, Yong