How to obtain patch level from Linux machine?
(too old to reply)
2005-06-17 11:53:46 UTC
Hi all,
I'm currently writing codes to detect if the linux platform has the
correct patch level. For example,

1) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 4 - where '4' is the patch level

2) SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP2 - where '2' is the patch level

3) SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 SP1 - where '1' is the patch level

For Red Hat, I can at least parse the content of /etc/issue file for
the patch level, which is displayed as "Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS
release 3 (Taroon Update 4)".

However, I have no idea where the patch level is stored in SuSE
SLES. Also, I'm looking for a better way to get the patch level on Red
Hat as well (instead of parsing /etc/issue file).

Does anyone know how to obtain the patch level that I mentioned from
the Linux platforms?
- Any rpm that I check for?
- Any command that I can use to return the patch level?
- Anything?

I will really appreciate if any experts can help me out on this. Thanks
in advance!!
Bit Twister
2005-06-17 16:12:31 UTC
Post by Ching
Hi all,
I'm currently writing codes to detect if the linux platform has the
correct patch level.
cat /proc/version gives *kernel* information, but watchout if it
is a custom compile.

Redhat/Mandrake/Mandriva cat /etc/*release*
Slackware/Slackintosh cat etc/*version*

for the rest go here
and in the first box, put
echo Caldera Base Version - /var/lib/LST/BASEVERSION:
*linux* in Newsgroup box. You need to use the two
asterisks around linux, pick English
