access to FAT32 - Suse 10.1
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Darko Cakardic
2007-02-03 19:16:09 UTC

I made a FAT32 partition for thunderbird mailbox so i can access the
same mailbox from windows and linux.
My user group is also Users and Root.
When i log as root i have permissions for root - view and modify
group - users - view and modify
others - view

1. why cant i modify permissions for others?
2. why cant i read and modify the partition although i have set the

From thunderbird on Linux i can see my mailbox, but i cant modify it.

2007-06-19 21:32:03 UTC
For fat32 you can
mount -t vfat /dev/<dev name> /<mount point> -o suid,uid=504,gid=100
set uid= to your uid number and gid to the group id number...
you can put that in /etc/fstab to take care of it during bootup
Post by Darko Cakardic
I made a FAT32 partition for thunderbird mailbox so i can access the
same mailbox from windows and linux.
My user group is also Users and Root.
When i log as root i have permissions for root - view and modify
group - users - view and modify
others - view
1. why cant i modify permissions for others?
2. why cant i read and modify the partition although i have set the
From thunderbird on Linux i can see my mailbox, but i cant modify it.