On Tue, 16 Jan 2007, in the Usenet newsgroup comp.os.linux.questions, in article
Post by CWO4 Dave MannPost by CWO4 Dave MannJust checking to see if giganews is still carrying this group. No new
postings for at least a few weeks.
On the 15th of each month, there is a posting to the Usenet newsgroups
news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, and news.lists.misc with the
subject "List of Big Eight Newsgroups". Searching for the Linux
newsgroups in that file, I find:
[compton ~]$ zgrep linux big.8.list.01.15.07.gz | cut -f1 | column
comp.os.linux.advocacy comp.os.linux.misc
comp.os.linux.alpha comp.os.linux.networking
comp.os.linux.announce comp.os.linux.portable
comp.os.linux.answers comp.os.linux.powerpc
comp.os.linux.development.apps comp.os.linux.security
comp.os.linux.development.system comp.os.linux.setup
comp.os.linux.embedded comp.os.linux.x
comp.os.linux.hardware comp.os.linux.xbox
[compton ~]$
No group named comp.os.linux.questions. It's actually a bogus group
carried on servers like giganews who like to claim to carry more news
groups than anyone. In fact, they have
[compton ~]$ grep -c linux .newsrc
[compton ~]$
over 1100 newsgroups with the word Linux in the name. Doesn't mean that
they get much traffic. Looking at the log files, I see
2H04 1H05 2H05 1H06 2H06
529 282 152 85 71
[compton ~]$ grep ' comp.os.linux.questions:' newslog | grep killed | grep
-v '0/0' | cut -d' ' -f1,3,4,5,6
01/01/2007 comp.os.linux.questions: 2/2 (0 killed),
01/05/2007 comp.os.linux.questions: 2/2 (2 killed),
01/06/2007 comp.os.linux.questions: 2/2 (1 killed),
01/07/2007 comp.os.linux.questions: 3/3 (1 killed),
01/08/2007 comp.os.linux.questions: 3/3 (1 killed),
01/10/2007 comp.os.linux.questions: 1/1 (0 killed),
01/11/2007 comp.os.linux.questions: 3/3 (0 killed),
01/16/2007 comp.os.linux.questions: 2/2 (0 killed),
[compton ~]$
which is 18 more - really doesn't look like a very active newsgroup.
Post by CWO4 Dave MannI unsubscribed, resubscribed and here it is. Must be something with my
local Thunderbird settings.
My logs don't show any problems with this group at giganews. The normal
problem is the news article count getting screwed up, and looking at
the headers of your post, the last line says
Post by CWO4 Dave MannXref: number1.nntp.dca.giganews.com comp.os.linux.questions:51553
and that article number is right on sequence.
Old guy