Post by Angel TsankovHow do I check if an environment variable is set?
If programatically, use getenv() in C. It returns NULL if not
found. From N869 (C standard): The getenv function
#include <stdlib.h>
char *getenv(const char *name);
[#2] The getenv function searches an environment list,
provided by the host environment, for a string that matches
the string pointed to by name. The set of environment names
and the method for altering the environment list are
[#3] The implementation shall behave as if no library
function calls the getenv function.
[#4] The getenv function returns a pointer to a string
associated with the matched list member. The string pointed
to shall not be modified by the program, but may be
overwritten by a subsequent call to the getenv function. If
the specified name cannot be found, a null pointer is
Chuck F (cbfalconer at maineline dot net)
Available for consulting/temporary embedded and systems.