unhiding folders?
(too old to reply)
2006-01-14 16:15:02 UTC
Is there a configuration file somewhere to control
hidden folders? On Suse10 with KDE, all program
folders in a user's folder are hidden, which prevents
seeing them in a file-open dialogue. I see that I can
unhide a folder by removing the prepended period,
but when I tried changing the .wine folder to wine,
the next time I started winecfg it created an entirely
new folder tree without asking!
2006-01-21 14:52:28 UTC
Post by mayayana
Is there a configuration file somewhere to control
hidden folders? On Suse10 with KDE, all program
folders in a user's folder are hidden, which prevents
seeing them in a file-open dialogue. I see that I can
unhide a folder by removing the prepended period,
but when I tried changing the .wine folder to wine,
the next time I started winecfg it created an entirely
new folder tree without asking!
The period is the way linux (and any unix system) hides files, if you
remove the period then you unhide the file, but as you are also changing
the directory name then programs the use that directory will not be able
to find it. you can just choose to unhide all files in your file manager.
In nautilus for example just press Ctrl+H. but it should be easily
acessible through then menus in any file manager.
James McIninch
2006-10-20 19:35:56 UTC
Dunno about GNOME, but in KDE you'll note in the file dialog that there's a
little wrench icon next to the location field. If you click on that and
select 'Show hidden files', you'll see them. Using the file manager, select
'Show hidden files' from the 'View' menu.
Post by mayayana
Is there a configuration file somewhere to control
hidden folders? On Suse10 with KDE, all program
folders in a user's folder are hidden, which prevents
seeing them in a file-open dialogue. I see that I can
unhide a folder by removing the prepended period,
but when I tried changing the .wine folder to wine,
the next time I started winecfg it created an entirely
new folder tree without asking!