Don Malone
2007-05-02 22:36:17 UTC
I have an AMD 1800+ xp with 512 ram and a geforce 5500 video card.
Di vae the pwer to run one of the current distros as it is ment to be
run or will I need a slightly better setup.
I would like to test it for myself; I have the Umbuntu and Suse distros
are currently here on disc to install, but i am still moving
applications and data from this XP based system to another unit before
I can start to try Linux.
Thanks for your input which I hope is positive.
I am not overly in love with vista even though I need a windows based
Di vae the pwer to run one of the current distros as it is ment to be
run or will I need a slightly better setup.
I would like to test it for myself; I have the Umbuntu and Suse distros
are currently here on disc to install, but i am still moving
applications and data from this XP based system to another unit before
I can start to try Linux.
Thanks for your input which I hope is positive.
I am not overly in love with vista even though I need a windows based