Windows uses drive letters...
(too old to reply)
2004-12-27 09:54:14 UTC
I am currently trying to move from a Windows environment to Linux and am
stumbling on a few basics.

Ok on a Windows machine the highest lkevel is "My Computer", is this
equivelant to "/" in Linux ?
From there my drives are in "/dev/" where they and many other items appear
to be listed...

How can I simply obtain a catalog of files on a floppy disk ?
I would have thought it was:
ls /dev/fd0

My system has two SCSI disks, the first I have partitioned into Swap and
Linux however I am still trying to access the second... I have created a
pertition using fdisk and have then made a filesystem using mkfs... The
question now is where is my disk and how can I access it ?


2004-12-27 12:58:11 UTC
Post by Murphy
I am currently trying to move from a Windows environment to Linux and am
stumbling on a few basics.
Welcome to Linux!!
Post by Murphy
Ok on a Windows machine the highest lkevel is "My Computer", is this
equivelant to "/" in Linux ?
Not quite, close but not quite the same, 'My Computer' in Windows is more
like the graphic equivalent to /etc/fstab then to the root (/) partition.
Post by Murphy
From there my drives are in "/dev/" where they and many other items
appear to be listed...
Do not assume that this is where your drives and partitions are, consider
this location (/dev) to be basically a place holder for possible drive
devices (hard drives, cdroms, usb devices and etc) and the partition(s)
for these devices. Check your /etc/fstab file for your devices and
partitions mount points, for example your floppy drive might be something

/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,owner 0 0
Post by Murphy
How can I simply obtain a catalog of files on a floppy disk ? I would
ls /dev/fd0
First you need to mount the drive, see 'man mount' for the details. Try as
root something like;

mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

ls -l /mnt/floppy

umount /mnt/floppy
Post by Murphy
My system has two SCSI disks, the first I have partitioned into Swap and
Linux however I am still trying to access the second... I have created a
pertition using fdisk and have then made a filesystem using mkfs... The
question now is where is my disk and how can I access it ?
Look at the output of; fdisk -l /dev/sd?

The same way as the floppy example above, if you do not have a mount point
for the second SCSI hard drive create one as root type something like;

mkdir /mnt/scsi2

mount -t <the_file_system> /dev/sdb1 /mnt/scsi2

See 'man fstab' without the quotes for details on how to mount the second
drive / partition for access when done booting the system.

Some suggested reading, it's from one of the Red Hat manuals and provides
a fairly easy to understand explanation of drives and partitions in Linux;


Also check out the HOW-TO's from; http://www.tldp.org/

And again welcome to Linux!!
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- B. Franklin, 1759
Morten Juhl Johansen
2004-12-28 16:31:28 UTC
Post by Murphy
I am currently trying to move from a Windows environment to Linux and am
stumbling on a few basics.
Ok on a Windows machine the highest lkevel is "My Computer", is this
equivelant to "/" in Linux ?
From there my drives are in "/dev/" where they and many other items appear
to be listed...
How can I simply obtain a catalog of files on a floppy disk ?
ls /dev/fd0
My system has two SCSI disks, the first I have partitioned into Swap and
Linux however I am still trying to access the second... I have created a
pertition using fdisk and have then made a filesystem using mkfs... The
question now is where is my disk and how can I access it ?
The Linux file structure has a nice introduction at

- Cheers, M
Bob Goodwin
2004-12-31 02:29:34 UTC
The /dev directory gives access to `raw' devices. Reading from /dev/fd0
will get you ones and zeros but not that jpeg picture you wanted. For that
you need a `filesystem'. Windows used several filesystems over time;
fat16, fat32, vfat, and ntfs. Linus primarily uses ext2 and is moving
toward ext3. Formatting a drive creates the filesystem on that drive. To
tell linux which filesystem is on your disk, you use the `mount' command.
Included in the mount command is directions to Linux on where the drives
filesystem should appear within the overall filesystem. See /etc/fstab
(filesystem table), this is a list for automatically mounting drives
at bootup. Also read the `man' pages for mount.

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