Linux/Fedora setup - Hardware Compatibility?
(too old to reply)
2005-02-10 12:19:43 UTC
I am a complete newbie to Linux. I am about to attempt to install Fedora 3
onto a PC. My question is does Fedora/Linux have any default drivers for
typical hardware like a Windows OS installer has? I've tried looking for
linux-specific drivers for my sound card (Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 - model
SB0100), NIC (Network Everywhere NC100), and video card (Sis 305), but could
not find any. So, I have no idea what is going to happen when I try to run
the Fedora install. Do I need to go buy these components where on the box
it states Linux compatibility? If so, any suggestions on what models to buy
for each of these components would be greatly appreciated.

Timothy Murphy
2005-02-10 13:11:28 UTC
Post by epigram
I am a complete newbie to Linux. I am about to attempt to install Fedora 3
onto a PC. My question is does Fedora/Linux have any default drivers for
typical hardware like a Windows OS installer has? I've tried looking for
linux-specific drivers for my sound card (Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 - model
SB0100), NIC (Network Everywhere NC100), and video card (Sis 305), but could
not find any. So, I have no idea what is going to happen when I try to run
the Fedora install. Do I need to go buy these components where on the box
it states Linux compatibility? If so, any suggestions on what models to
buy for each of these components would be greatly appreciated.
I'm no guru, but I would say in the first place
that Linux _does_ have "default drivers" exactly like Windows.
In Linux they are implemented as kernel modules,
the correct module hopefully being recognised and used.
I would be surprised if the three items you mention are not catered for,
as they don't sound very unusual.

If I were in your position, I think I would download Knoppix,
and create a Knoppix CD.
This allows you to run Linux from a CD
without installing it on the hard disk.
It is generally a useful CD to have around, anyway.
Timothy Murphy
e-mail (<80k only): tim /at/ birdsnest.maths.tcd.ie
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland
2005-02-10 13:39:53 UTC
Post by epigram
I am a complete newbie to Linux. I am about to attempt to install Fedora 3
onto a PC. My question is does Fedora/Linux have any default drivers for
typical hardware like a Windows OS installer has? I've tried looking for
linux-specific drivers for my sound card (Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 - model
SB0100), NIC (Network Everywhere NC100), and video card (Sis 305), but could
not find any. So, I have no idea what is going to happen when I try to run
the Fedora install. Do I need to go buy these components where on the box
it states Linux compatibility? If so, any suggestions on what models to buy
for each of these components would be greatly appreciated.
The list you give seems a typical machine. So should be fine. But still,
it's a good idea to know where the hardware compatibility lists for your
distro are and to check them out.


is a huge database and usually when I come across some new hardware I
start here.

Or more specific for you,


where you find redhats hardware search pages.

But, I am glad that you are wise enough to investigate what you will be
doing, without just throwing the CD into the drive and 'going for it' as
many others have done.

So, how about checking out the docs at http://fedora.redhat.com as well.

Make a note of those web sites, you will find them usfull not only at
install time.

Best of luck.

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