Booting Linux from compact flash disk on a diskless PC104 computer
(too old to reply)
2005-10-28 13:38:11 UTC
How to create a bootable Fedora Core Linux (or another distribution) image
to be used on a diskless (no hard disk) PC104 computer ?

How to copy bootable image into compact flash disk?

2005-10-30 19:07:31 UTC
Post by
How to create a bootable Fedora Core Linux (or another distribution) image
to be used on a diskless (no hard disk) PC104 computer ?
How to copy bootable image into compact flash disk?
One way you could try (though I am not guaranteeing this)
is to get the Damn Small Linux distro liveCD to boot up
off a regular PC ( http://www.livecdlist.com ),
and intall it into your compact flash disk, get that to boot, and then
copy your fedora, and then modify the boot parameters
to boot up fedora.
